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MPOA membership Dues need to be paid by July 1st please

MPOA Membership payment is now due (as of July 1st, 2019)

Thank you to the over 100+ members who paid their dues on time.  This is really great and we thank you.  For those who have not yet paid, please note you can pay your $20 the following ways:

  • mail a cheque to MPOA, P.O. Box 251, Cloyne Ontario K0H 1K0. Cheque should be made out to "MPOA"
  • by credit card via PayPal online (note:  you don't have to join PayPal...select PayPal and use the "Don’t Have a PayPal Account” option to pay by credit card).  When you click on this link, it will ask you to log in to the MPOA website to continue.  Please use your email address as the userid.  Please use the password that was system generated and sent to you in an email from the MPOA (from the id Communications@lakemazinaw.ca).  If you have forgotten your password, you can ask it to be reset on the website, or you can send an email to communications@lakemazinaw.ca to send you a new password.
  • At Smarts Marina
  • At Brown's Campground
  • By contacting one of the MPOA Directors