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Virtual Information Session -- Eurasian Water-Milfoil & ProcellaCOR FX 

Thank you to all those who were able to attend our Information Session on August 15th, 2024.  What a fantastic event and turnout!  A special thanks to our dedicated Board members and Expert panelists for helping to make this discussion so informative.

If you were not able to join us, or wish to review the information provided, please click here to view the
Video Recording of the Information Session

Thanks also for all the thoughtful questions we received. If there are any other questions you may have, please submit them by the end of this month to communications@lakemazinaw.ca as we are in the process of creating a comprehensive FAQ page. 


Donations are needed to meet the ongoing challenges of Invasive Species in our lake, no matter which approach is taken. 

Please consider a donation by: 

• etransfer to treasurer@lakemazinaw.ca  (Please note "donation" in your e-transfer message. )

• cheques can be mailed to MPOA, P.O. Box 251, Cloyne Ontario K0H 1K0. Your cheque should be made out to "MPOA". 


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Fireworks & Noise Pollution

FIREWORKS and NOISE POLLUTION: Did you know that there are fines for fireworks? See chart appended. Fireworks have extremely harmful effects on Lake Mazinaw's health. They cause a great amount of fear, stress and anxiety in wild animals, not to mention it is a fire hazard and produces chemical and mineral pollutants when set off. Birds and mammals will abandon their nests, leaving their defenceless babies behind. The panic of the ordeal can cause disorientation, decreasing the ability for wildlife to locate their homes. It's not just fireworks that harms Lake Mazinaw - motorized vehicles, watercraft and human disturbance also play a part. Human-generated noise has negative impacts on the communication, distribution, foraging, reproduction and homeostasis of a range of species, including amphibians, arthropods, birds, fish, mammals, molluscs and reptilians. Refraining from fireworks and other recreational noise pollution is a 'SMART' goal for our lake, as defined by the Blue Lakes Program (explained in our Spring Newsletter) and meets our Board mandate to promote and protect the health of the Lake. Read more here: https://www.bluelakes.ca/mgmt-conservation-guide/#ba