We are pleased to announce that Mazinaw is now officially a Certified Blue Lakes designated lake!

As you might recall from our 2023 Spring Newsletter (posted to our website), and/or the last AGM, the Mazinaw Blue Lakes Committee was formed Fall 2022 as a part of the Blue Lakes Program requirements.

The Committee is tasked with Lake Stewardship duties in 8 key focus areas (pictured below in our Dreamboard). The program runs in one-year cycles. Maintaining our designation requires continuous enrollment and participation in the program.

To remain enrolled, the MPOA and the Mazinaw Blue Lakes Committee will continue tackling the goals set out in each focus area, with much of our efforts on combatting Eurasian Milfoil, a highly invasive water species found in the Lake. We are always looking for volunteers so please reach out if interested: or mazlakesteward@gmail.com or communications@lakemazinaw.com

Blue Lake Certificate
