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Northbrook Food Bank What to do with your food when you leave

Please consider donating your non-perishable food items to the Northbrook Food Bank rather than carting them all home . Between now and the end of Thanksgiving weekend, you can drop off your donations to one of these 3 locations:

  1. Browns Trailer Park located at 61 Addington Road 5 at the north end of the Mazinaw lake.  The bin will be up at the office of the white house. Please note they are only open Friday afternoons, Saturday and Sunday for this part of the season.
  2. Smarts Marina located at the south end of Mazinaw lake.  The bin will be near the fence.
  3. Pineview Free Methodist Church located on Highway #41 (just past the tennis courts on the left side of the hwy as you drive towards Cloyne.  You will turn left into their parking lot at the blue 'CLOYNE' sign just outside of town).   You can put your items inside the main doors of the church.  They will accept food items, and also clean toys/puzzles, clothes/towels (in good condition). 

This is a chance for us to give back to the area we all love.  Thank you to Browns and Smarts for offering to accept our MPOA donations and deliver them to the Foodbank and to the Pineview church for their help in getting items to those in need.

Thank you for giving.